Monday, May 26, 2014

important event

The last was on January 1, 1994 when North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) goes in affect creating a free trade zone between Canada, United States, and Mexico.

important event

In June 27 1993 president Bill Clinton ordered a cruise missile on Iraq intelligence headquarters in Baghdad, responding to the attempted assassination attempt cultivated by Iraq Secret Service on former U.S President George W. Bush during his visit to Kuwait two months before.

important event

-The 90's had many events like the passing of the 27th amendment on May 7, 1992 two hundred and two years after its initial proposal.

important event

-another event that happened in the 90's was the Gulf War had ended on February 27, 1991 after Iraq withdrew its forces from Kuwait and set the oil field on fire.

important events

-An important event that happened in the late 1990 was that The Hubble Telescope was the first telescompe to be placed in orbit on April 24, 1990. It was an important event cause it allowed scientist and humans to see what was out in space by taking pictures of planets and galaxies.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

important people

important people 

-Bill Gtes

Born in Seattle, Washington on October 28, 1955 he was interested in computer programing at the age of 13. By using technological innovation, keen business tactics, he and his partner Paul Allen built the world's largest software business Microsoft.

important people

important people 

- Rodney King

He was born on April 2, 1965 in Sacramento, California. He was caught by the Los Anfeles police after a high speed chase on March 3, 1991. The officer then proceded t pull him out the car and beat him brutally, in all that time a  amature cameraman George Holliday caught it all on videotape. the pfficer were indicted on chargers of assult with a deadly weapon and excessive use of police force. After a three-month trial by a predominantly white jury acquitted the officers and causing a spark that lit the flame in the citizens. Eventualy leading up to The L.A. Riots